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YuGiOh D-D-D-Duel Pack

To whom this may concern,

The team at Rodney, alongside our family and friends have shared a large emotional attachment to YuGiOh when it launched in the western networks. We've followed the many reiterations of the series, mixing up the play style - changing the characters. We've caught every movie (in theatres most of the time - grabbing exclusive cards as we entered the line) and scooped special releases at Toys'R'Us. However, despite all of the variants of the game, nothing will get better than the original series with our boy Yami Yugi. 

On Friday July 28th, 2017 at 11am EST (Toronto time) we will be releasing two new Yu-Gi-Oh pins, the Duel Disk pin ($12 CAD), the Deck Box pin ($12 CAD) and a re-release on of our best sellers, the Millenium Puzzle pin ($12 CAD)

The D-D-Duel pin pack will contain all three styles for ($30 CAD) as well as DELUXE SPRING LOCK BACKINGS - the first that we are introducing to help save all of your precious pins.

PS. The Deck box pin is made of black nickel - and will reflect in different lights, its kidn of like a mini mirror LOL


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