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AW17 Drop 3

We've been hard at work or hardly working, depending on how you see it, to push some new pieces onto Remember that one time we had a pop up in September, well we finally got around to launching some pieces that never saw the interweb. On Friday, December 1st, 2017 at 12pm (toronto time) we will dropping the R Mise stickers, booster packs, and totes, the a5 notebooks and the silk prints by Joel Evangelista @joel.rodney which were inspired by the works of Bryant Pimlatt @bryantpimlatt

  • Silk Prints 40" x 30" - $60 
  • A5 Notebook - $4 
  • R Mise Seal Totes - $20 
  • Satya Super Hit Incense Box  (28 sticks) - $5
  • R Mise Seal Sticker Booster Pack - $8
  • R Mise Sticker Singles - $1.50
  • Public Transit pin set - $15 
  • TRC badge pin - $10
  • High School Bus pin - $10




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