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Hippie Christ Super⭐ by @zarickett

Hippie Christ Super⭐ by @zarickett

Rodney and @zarickett have shared space time and time again in the last few years, and it's an understatement to say that our family at Rodney has been inspired by the energy they bring. Despite the distance, with an ocean between our two teams, we were still able to coordinate and manage to release @zarickett 's latest collection of Made in Japan Trucker caps, hand dyed and embroidered by the team at @aoi_industry  Sitting down with @zarickett, we asked what the inspiration behind this project was and the thought process behind it's very unique social media presence.  "✨The “Hippie Christ...

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Scarborough Culture Dept by Just Maired

We sat down with mates over the pond via FaceTime and hashed out a piece that means the world to all of us. The Scarborough Culture Dept. T-Shirt was conceived after a business trip led @justmaired to Toronto. During a session of shopping vintage, the team found a city issued Scarborough uniform t-shirt.  The owner and operators of Just Maired, Maianh Dang & Jared Martin, approached us about reproducing the Scarborough gem. Nothing about the original design has been altered; we simply wanted our friends and family have the chance to wear a piece we found a strong connection to. With the...

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Scarborough Phys. Ed lookbook

Francis Libermann Jean Vanier Mary Ward Rodney Scarborough Senator O'Connor

The whole team at Rodney grew up in Scarborough and were all enrolled in the TCDSB (Toronto Catholic District School Board) so naturally we all ended up in Catholic High Schools. Skipping class to bounce from school to school, going to house parties ran by kids from neighbouring schools, or mall ratting at STC and starting beef for no reason. We felt the need to remind ourselves of the stomping ground, and time in our life where we didn't know shit.  The Scarborough Physical Education collection will debut on May 5th 2018 at 10 am EST and will consist of four...

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Keyblade Badge

Kingdom Hearts, the elusive series that is taking the patience of its fans and pushing it to the limits. It’s been more than a decade and only now are we seeing the gameplay of KH3, the long awaited 3rd instalment for Hearts fans. Since the first game, I’ve been in awe. My jaw dropping as my favourite fictional universes collide (Howie Day.) Squaresoft/Square Enix and Disney have meshed so well, with the guidance of a JRPG background - KH was a series that will never leave my heart (heartless.) The Keyblade is not only a weapon, but a multi-tool used...

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AW17 Drop 3

We've been hard at work or hardly working, depending on how you see it, to push some new pieces onto Remember that one time we had a pop up in September, well we finally got around to launching some pieces that never saw the interweb. On Friday, December 1st, 2017 at 12pm (toronto time) we will dropping the R Mise stickers, booster packs, and totes, the a5 notebooks and the silk prints by Joel Evangelista @joel.rodney which were inspired by the works of Bryant Pimlatt @bryantpimlatt Silk Prints 40" x 30" - $60  A5 Notebook - $4  R Mise Seal...

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